Apply to Exhibit Your Art at High Road Gallery

If you are an artist who would like to be considered for participation in a 5 week guest exhibit (solo or small group shows), please apply by sending your application to Listed below are the details on what you need to provide for your application.

We are looking forward to hearing from you, and thank you for your interest in High Road Gallery.

The procedure for applying to be in a show at High Road Gallery is as follows:

1. Submit at least 4 images of  recent work, or of work that you would be interested in displaying.

2. Submit an artist bio that may include your artistic accomplishments, education, your medium, technique, artistic vision, and complete contact information. Also, please let us know the approximate size of your body of work.

3. In August or September, the board of resident artists of the gallery will look at all  the information that applicants have supplied, and decide which artists would make good candidates for either a solo show,  or to participate in a small or larger group show for the next year.  After this meeting, those artists will be contacted to see if they are still interested, and which dates would work best for them.