Thank you to the City of Worthington for the grants!

High Road Gallery & Studios is deeply grateful for the generous support of our grant partners. From Worthington and The Community Relations Commission (CRC) we received funding through the Strengthening and Empowering Equitable Neighborhoods (SEEN) Grant. Thank you also to the McConnell and the Worthington Creative Community Grant which we also recently received. These contributions help sustain our mission of fostering creativity and community through the arts. These grants enable us to preserve our historic 1818 home, provide affordable studio space for local artists, host engaging exhibitions, and offer enriching community programs. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our funders for believing in the power of art to inspire, connect, and transform lives.

Art can make community!

High Road Gallery & Studios

An artist collective located in Worthington, Ohio.

The High Road Gallery represents varied art and artists. We provide a welcoming and inspiring environment for our artists to both create and showcase their work.

Come join us. Any of our twelve artists will gladly share our thoughts, inspirations and processes. We work in a variety of media, including painting, printmaking and sculpture.

Our 1818 building in the Worthington Historic District provides a unique backdrop for artistic expression. and we proudly invite the public to join us. Come see what we do here. We are dedicated to fostering creativity, collaboration and community engagement.

Let’s talk about art!

From April 18th to May 24th, the Worthington Historical Society’s art collection will be featured at High Road Gallery.  As the country approaches the 250th anniversary of declaring its independence in 2026, this is an appropriate time to reflect on the history of Worthington over more than a millennium.  From the building of the earthworks by people of the Hopewell Culture to the establishment of Worthington in 1803, and all of the development that has followed, artwork depicting Worthington’s landmarks, Worthington’s people and created by Worthington artists will be featured throughout the gallery.  

The exhibit will be on view Fridays and Saturdays from 12 pm - 4 pm free of cost.  Resident artists' work will be on display throughout the building in the studio spaces. 

An opening reception will be held on Sunday, April 27th from 2 - 4 pm.  Guests will be able to tour the historic building, view the Society’s exhibit as well as the works of the resident artists and enjoy light refreshments.

On Wednesday May 14 at 2pm there will be a gallery tour led by the Worthington Historical Society.

The Worthington Historical Society creates experiences to inspire and promote public interest in Worthington’s history.  The Society maintains three properties: the Orange Johnson House, the Old Rectory (which houses the Doll Museum, administrative offices, Shop, and collections storage), and the Jeffers Mound. The Society also collects and maintains items directly related to the history of the Worthington area, including a large collection of art by Worthington artists and works that feature the landscapes of Worthington.

The organization’s primary purpose is to provide a repository for the community’s collective history and materials; objects, photographs, archives, and first person accounts passed down through many mediums that allow the preservation of a multi-dimensional picture of the city’s history. The collections as a whole are preserved for the benefit of the community.